Thursday, March 26, 2009

Before & After


Fully Edited

I've had some questions from customers why it would possibly take 4-6 weeks for a return on proofs from a WEDDING. I thought it would be fun to show a comparison of what the average picture looks like before I do any editing to it. This is one from my most recent wedding. The basic process for editing is: download all images to my computer, look through all of them via slide show, pick out the best ones to be edited (usually 150-225), open them in raw converter and do basic adjustments for color/contrast etc., then open each one individually and (this is the fun part) add filters and the "make-me-pretty" stuff. So, generally I spend 5-12 minutes on each picture depending on how "good" they are straight out of camera (SOOC). That's why it seems like it takes so long to get your album or proofs back.

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