Thursday, December 6, 2012

I was recently able to bless the sweetest couple in history! I've known Jana for a super long time. Since her babies--that aren't really babies anymore--were actually babies! 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Playing Catch Up!

As some of you followers and new readers may know, I "just" had a baby.  Her name is Grace and she is 3 months old and a few days.  I've been a bit out of the loop and not really doing much business this last year due to being pregnant, already a Mommy to a very busy 3 year old and then having the baby.  But we're gearing up for the official RE-OPEN!!

I'm currently trying to reassess my business structure and am rearranging a few things and mostly streamlining my business model.  So, stay tuned for updated features and new presentations and SALES!!

A couple weeks ago I left my new babe with Daddy for my first shoot since Grace was born.  I did a senior (my baby sister Stephanne) and her niece Josie.  It was a doozie to cut my teeth on right out the door.  I spent about 90 minutes literally running after Josie trying to "catch her being cute".  In the end, everyone was VERY happy (including me, which says a lot since I'm my own worst critic!).

So, congratulations Class of 2010! 
And happy almost birthday to little Josie!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Before & After


Fully Edited

I've had some questions from customers why it would possibly take 4-6 weeks for a return on proofs from a WEDDING. I thought it would be fun to show a comparison of what the average picture looks like before I do any editing to it. This is one from my most recent wedding. The basic process for editing is: download all images to my computer, look through all of them via slide show, pick out the best ones to be edited (usually 150-225), open them in raw converter and do basic adjustments for color/contrast etc., then open each one individually and (this is the fun part) add filters and the "make-me-pretty" stuff. So, generally I spend 5-12 minutes on each picture depending on how "good" they are straight out of camera (SOOC). That's why it seems like it takes so long to get your album or proofs back.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Save Time and Money!

I know that many of us--including myself--are parents. I have a new year's resolution of sorts to get organized. When our lives are filled with chaos we are stressed and get less done, which causes more stress and more get my point. I am not only a photographer I am a mom of a busy 2 1/2 year old little girl. To save time I've been planning menus and it helps but it's also more time to sit down, figure out what I have and what I need and then what we want to eat etc. I found this site that does all that for you! It's called There are links to a blank meal planner/grocery list (for those control freaks out there (:) and one (this one's my fave) that is already done including the shopping list. If you sign up for the updates it sends the menu and shopping list directly to your email box! How easy does it get!? There's even daily cleaning assignments (15 minute installments) that will come to your inbox so that you can keep up on everything.

And the best part? IT'S TOTALLY FREE!! So, I'm paying forward the pay it forward offered by this awesome mom-run website. Check it out!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Emily & Jed

I went to high school with Emily and had lost touch over the last several years. She found me again via facebook, just in time for her wedding. I was so excited to be able to chronicle her most special day! They were married in Lyons, OR at Canyon Baptist Church. Jed has 2 sons (just as handsome as their dad) one of which was horribly sick the day of the wedding :(. I felt so sorry for him but he was a little trooper and made it all the way through the ceremony without a hiccup. It was a very sweet ceremony with lots of sentimentality. The most exciting part of the whole story is that Emily and Jed are already expecting the first addition to their beautifully blended family! Stay tuned for those :-).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Custom Design

Here are a few of my custom design pieces. I can design anything from an album to a Graduation announcement, to wedding invitations. The sky is the limit. I can do whatever you have in mind. So just ask. See the post "while my website is down" for pricing info.

Jake Class of 2008!

Jake got in a little late with his senior pictures but we were able to get them done and in before the yearbook deadline. We shot at multiple locations; one being his friend's farm outside of town. On the way back from the farm I noticed a really cool looking old car parked off of someone's driveway. Being the intrepid artist I pulled in and asked the owner if he minded if we took pictures on and near his rusted out classic. After looking at me like I'd lost my mind he said, "I don't care." Anyway, those shots are some of my favorite out of the whole day! Congratulations, Jake and the Class of 2008!